Trip Report: Bridger Bowl
March 21 (Bozeman, MT) —
Our never-ending pursuit of fresh snow took us to Bozeman, Montana, which received a foot of snow over two days. As we approached Bozeman, I texted Big Dan (who is now Medium Dan, but that doesn’t have the same ring to it) to let him know we were coming. We were only a couple of hours out so it wasn’t much notice.*
* I previously got in trouble with Bus for changing our arrival times on the way to Deer Valley, leading her to complain about “dirty retired hippies in an RV that have no perception of time” and leading us to no longer give notice until we’re about to pull into a town.
Dan did not care about the lack of notice, and he hooked us up with free lift tickets and directed us where to camp/park at Bridger (for free). He swung by in the morning to say hi and gave us beta on the best spots to ski the fresh snow.
We spent two days doing laps in the Bridger sidecountry and scoring some great turns.

Click to view videos:
David skiing Bradley’s Meadows
And, finally, here’s the traditional song, sung again in honor of Big Dan:
Big Dan, Big Dan, Big Dan, Big Dan.
Big Dan.
Big Dan.