May 28 – June 1 (Moab, UT) —
On the way to Moab, an 18 wheeler kicked up a rock that sailed right through one of the windows above our bed. Yes, that’s my hand sticking out through the window where the glass should have been (which, instead, was all over our bed in little black shards).
I covered the glass on the inside and outside with something like 37 layers of duct tape and we made it the rest of the way to Moab with no issues.
We camped off Willow Springs Road on BLM land and were greeted by a gorgeous sunset:
The next day, we spent time dealing with our broken window and then rode the new Klonzo trails:
Super fun stuff, especially Secret Passage which was fast & flowy singletrack.
For our big ride the next day, we ascended Gemini Bridges Road up to the bridges:
I was super happy with the handling of my new 780 mm handlebars and short 60 mm stem, installed by the awesomely helpful guys at Over the Edge bike shop in Fruita.
From the bridges, we descended via Great Escape and Gold Bar singletracks, which have some challenging features but are mostly fun slickrock and dirt with good traction.

David noted at one point that I was going so much faster than before that he could hardly get pictures of me as I zipped by. And he also noted that he’d never seen me smile so much during a ride. I was stoked.
After the long, hard, final section back out on Gemini Bridges Road, we were more than ready for MIlt’s. If you haven’t yet been to MIlt’s, then I feel bad for you. Milt’s serves some of the best burgers, fries and milkshakes on the planet. Put it on your list.
Perfect end to a perfect day on a mountain bike.